43.कुन्ताग्र-भिन्न - गज - शोणित - वारिवाह, वेगावतार - तरणातुर - योध - भीमे। युद्धे जयं विजित - दुर्जय - जेय - पक्षास्- त्वत्पाद-पङ्कज-वनाश्रयिणो लभन्ते: | Kuntagrabhinnagaja - shonitavarivahavegavatara - taranaturayodha - bhime yuddhe jayam vijitadurjayajeyapakshas -tvatpada pankajavanashrayino labhante | O conqueror of the passion ! In the battlefield, where bravest of all warriors are eager to trudge over the streams of blood coming out of the bodies of elephants pierced by sharp weapons, the devotee having sought protection in your resplendent feet embraces victory. (Your devotee is always victorious at the end.) |