Jain Bhaktamar Stotra Stanza no 35

35.स्वर्गापवर्ग - गम - मार्ग - विमार्गणेष्ट:, सद्धर्म- तत्त्व - कथनैक - पटुस्-त्रिलोक्या:। दिव्य-ध्वनि-र्भवति ते विशदार्थ-सर्व- भाषास्वभाव-परिणाम-गुणै: प्रयोज्य:Svargapavarga gama marga virmarganeshtah saddharmatatva kathanaika patustrilokyah. Divyadhvanirbhvati te vishadartha sarva bhasha svabhava parinama gunaih prayojyah.Your divine voice is a guide that illuminates the path leading to heaven and liberation; it is fully capable of expounding the essentials of true religion for the benefit of all the beings of the three worlds; it is endowed with miraculous attribute that makes it comprehensible and understood by every listener in his own language.