Jain Bhaktamar Stotra Stanza no 31

31.छत्रत्रयं - तव - विभाति शशाङ्ककान्त,
 मुच्चैः स्थितं स्थगित भानुकर - प्रतापम् । मुक्ताफल - प्रकरजाल - विवृद्धशोभं, प्रख्यापयत्त्रिजगतः परमेश्वरत्वम्

Chhatratrayam tava vibhati shashanka kantam uchchaih sthitam sthagita bhanukara pratapam. Muktaphala prakarajala vivraddhashobham prakhyapayat trijagatah parameshvaratvam
O The Greatest One ! A three tier canopy adorns the space over your head. It has the soft white radiance of the moon and is decorated with jewels. This canopy has filtered the scorching sun rays. Indeed, this canopy symbolizes your dominance over the three worlds.