Jain Bhaktamar Stotra Stanza no 21

21.मन्ये वरं हरि- हरादय एव दृष्टा, दृष्टेषु येषु हृदयं त्वयि तोषमेति। किं वीक्षितेन भवता भुवि येन नान्य:, कश्चिन्मनो हरति नाथ ! भवान्तरेऽपिManye varam Hari Haradaya eva drishta drishteshu yeshu hridayam tvayitoshameti. Kim vikshitena bhavata bhuviyena nanyah kashchinmano harati natha ! bhavantareapi.O Ultimate Lord ! It is good that I have seen other deities before seeing you.The dissatisaction even after seeing them has been removed by the glance of your detached and serene expression. That I have seen the supreme I can not be satisfied with anything less.