Jain Bhaktamar Stotra Stanza no 19

19.किं शर्वरीषु शशिनाह्नि विवस्वता वा, युष्मन्मुखेन्दु- दलितेषु तम:सु नाथ! निष्पन्न-शालि-वन-शालिनी जीव-लोके, कार्यं कियज्जल-धरै-र्जल-भार-नमै्र:Kim sharvarishu shashinanhi vivasvata va yushman mukhendu daliteshu tamassu natha! Nishpanna shalivana shalini jivaloke karyam kiyajjaladharairjalabhara namraih.O God ! Your aura dispels the perpetual darkness. The sun beams during the day and the moon during the night, but your ever radiant face sweeps away the darkness of the universe. Once the crop is ripe what is the need of the cloud full of rain.