Jain Bhaktamar Stotra Stanza no 14

14.सम्पूर्ण- मण्डल-शशाङ्क - कला-कलाप- शुभ्रा गुणास् - त्रि-भुवनं तव लङ्घयन्ति। ये संश्रितास् - त्रि-जगदीश्वरनाथ-मेकं, कस्तान् निवारयति सञ्चरतो यथेष्टम्Sampurna mandala shashanka kala kalapa shubhra gunastribhuvanam tava langhayanti Ye sanshritastrijagadishvara! nathamekam kastan nivarayati sancharato yatheshtamO Master of the three worlds! Your innumerable virtues are radiating throughout the universe-even beyond the three worlds, surpassing the glow of the full moon; the hymns in praise of your virtues can be heard everywhere throughout the universe. Indeed, who can contain the movement of devotees of the only supreme Godhead like you?